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Super Blue Moon at the End of August..

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Photograph by Kachin Simonian, Unsplash


We are fast approaching the end of August and also the end of the summer season. We have had quite a few rainy days here in the UK this August, so for many it feels like autumn has already arrived. The garden has been fruitful this year harvesting blueberries, shallots, cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes. I am waiting patiently for apples to ripen for the first time on my young apple trees. Sadly, no plums, but I do have one solitary Conference pear on my pear tree, hopefully this means next year it will be ready to bear more fruit.

I have joyfully completed most of my summer bucket list but still haven’t managed to get out on my bike, however, I do have my creaky joints to thank for not being able to get out and about. I still have a small window of time so I am remaining optimistic on that one. My most favourite activity this summer was getting together a plein air kit, experiencing painting on a Cornish beach and more locally, in the garden. I took my kit on holiday with me and although I didn’t get a lot of time to paint I did take some lovely photographs and completed a quick pen and wash which I will share with you below. I have been busy putting together You Tube videos for my new channel, where you can find me by clicking on the link.

You get to have a sneak peek into the art materials I like to use, art demonstrations and what inspires me to create art. There is a short video showing my garden and my time painting plein air, all of which I put together to promote some peace and calm in our crazy world.


Images include artwork by Clare

You tube video thumbnail

Blueberry harvest


In the last few days of August we get a second full moon, this moon is a super blue moon and despite the name it will be more of an orange colour. Traditionally this moon is called a sturgeon moon and can be seen in the UK on the 31st August. Astrologers state that this super blue moon is in the star sign Pisces, which is a water sign, leading us into the month of September, a Virgo sign which is an earth sign. Taking inspiration from the energy of the full moon and the astrology surrounding this occurrence it led me to think about how I want to harness this energy, how I want to spend my time leading into the month of September and how I will prepare for the coming autumn season. I will share with you 10 ways I intend to tap into Pisces’ healing energies:


  1. Having a space to get creative in. It doesn't have to be a whole room or a studio, but a nice space that is your creative haven, whether that’s creating art, sewing, knitting or reading, it‘s important to have your own space. Julia Cameron (The Artist’s Way), suggests that it could be a corner of the room, a nook under the stairs, or even a window ledge.

  2. Line your nest. I hate the term 'decluttering', as I like to have my trinkets around me. Many of my trinkets are gifts from friends and family members which hold memories. My trinkets make me feel safe and secure in my cosy nest.

  3. Fill your space with things that make you happy. I love ‘mooching‘ with friends and my mum in the local charity and antique shops. I have picked up old jugs and pots for my paint brushes, an old ink well, gifted to me by a friend and art reference books.

  4. Collect feathers, pebbles, seeds, nuts and shells on your walks out in nature. I like to bring them home and display them. I have my own nature area on my windowsill which tends to change with the seasons. It also provides me with inspirational pieces to create art.

  5. Have a nice crystal or two, I especially love rose quartz. August, which is star-sign Leo, is associated with Jasper and September’s star-sign Virgo, is Carnelian. I like to put my crystals out to bathe in the full moon light, as this practice cleanses them. Crystals have the ability to absorb and hold energies so it is important to cleanse them often.

  6. Pisces and Virgo are water and earth signs so I plan to paint in nature’s colours, using calming greens and blues. Nature shows us that we live in a world of abundance and beauty.

  7. To restore my energy I am taking a break from my technology on 31st August. I am giving my phone, social media and television a wide birth on that day. I want to spend a quiet day in nature with Audrey, painting, reading and maybe some writing. Enjoying some alone time to think, reflect and meditate on what I would like to achieve in the next season. The full moon energy is the perfect time to recalibrate the body.

  8. Source a nice handmade candle that smells of seasonal herbs and spices, a new autumnal blanket and a good seasonal book and puzzle.

  9. A proper cup and saucer and a pottery mug. I love a bit of old fashioned chintz. I remember my grandmother always insisted on drinking her tea from a proper cup and saucer. Inspired by her I found a lovely floral bone china cup and saucer, it makes me happy every time I make a cup of tea. There’s some lovely handmade pottery out there and as the weather changes there's nothing more comforting than holding a handmade pottery mug.

  10. My bucket list worked really well for me this summer and so I will be producing another one for autumn, this time I may add some magazine pictures and photographs to inspire me. A mood board maybe and of course I will continue to write my morning pages, giving gratitude to the simple things in my life. I love to start the day with positive affirmations and a card selected from my oracle deck. There are some lovely oracle card decks out there which are good prompts for journalling.


“When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.” - Mahatma Gandhi


One thing that isn‘t on my list and the main reason for my list is, ‘be kind to yourself.’ Use the moon’s energy to relax and let go, take some space away from your phone, from your devices and tune into nature’s gifts. The trees, the birds, the greens of the grass, the blue of the sky and the sea. I understand that there are many constraints in today’s society, but even if you just get 10 minutes to yourself, go outside, look up and breathe. Thank you to the moon and to the stars and nature’s healing energies.

Thank you for taking some time out of your day to read my August blog, your likes and comments mean so much to me. Please subscribe to my website if you haven’t already, you’ll never miss a post. You can find me on Substack for extra pondering most weeks and please sign up to my new YouTube channel. You know you want to and it makes me very happy.

Full moon blessings to you and see you in September 🌻

Love & Light,

Clare xxx

Stay naturally curious…

You Tube Resources:

Bracha Goldsmith - Astrologer

Pam Gregory - Astrologer

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